Spamming vs. cadence – why email marketers should know the difference

With more than 300 billion marketing emails delivered every day, savvy brands across the globe are upping the ante in order to achieve the desired cut-through they require from their digital comms.

And while it’s becoming increasingly difficult for marketing departments to land that conversion-led piece of content – against an overwhelming backdrop of online ‘noise’ – the statistics evidence just how important a piece in the jigsaw that email marketing...

Assessing the disconnect between email and wider marketing teams

It is estimated that around 80% of businesses use email as their primary communication tool, especially when it comes to external communications. Virtually every sector, over the past year, has found themselves being forced to make changes and implement new technology in order to adapt to the effects of the pandemic. And in response to the shift to digital, how companies choose to implement and use email marketing has become even more essential to drive revenue.

Yet, despite...

Three technical trends to consider for your data-driven marketing initiatives

As we look into the future, it’s important to remember that real widespread change happens slowly for such a large industry. People have been talking about assembling customer 360-degree views and utilising “big data” for closing in on 20 years, and articles detailing how effective and popular AI will be in marketing go back close a decade.

Which is not to say change isn’t happening, but that it comes gradually, in fits and starts as industry innovators latch onto a...

Five account-based marketing trends to follow in 2021

It is a trend that’s perfectly in step with the times. Account-based marketing (ABM) is becoming one of the dominant forms of marketing today, and with good reason; in an age where marketing is ever-present, mass marketing efforts are a lot less effective than individual marketing targeted at specific potential customers. From individually tailored marketing efforts, messages can be more targeted and avoid some of the stigma from marketing saturation today.

While ABM is a trend...

How email can help businesses to scale during economic uncertainty

Despite economic and environmental challenges in 2020, the reality is many businesses are still succeeding due to innovative shifts in marketing strategies. Businesses who have otherwise taken a conservative approach to spending marketing dollars online, have now been thrust into the same advertising marketplace as eCommerce and tech giants. While this is uncertain and at times scary territory for many businesses the opportunity for success is huge.

Marketing teams have had to...

Influencers vs. copyright for music beds: Why AI could be the solution

If you find the topic of music copyright confusing then you’re not alone. It’s complicated, disjointed and expensive. But for content creators it’s an integral part of their process and necessary to achieve success.

All content creators understand the value that music adds by providing a layer that sets emotion, fun and enhances the experience for the viewer. But the practical application isn’t as straightforward as adding your favourite track to your...

How to write marketing emails for pandemic-era prospects in 2021: A guide

By now, you’ve likely heard that people are spending more time online. This isn’t a surprise, considering how quarantine and social distancing restrictions have affected everyone’s lifestyles. However, as a New York Times analysis revealed, people aren’t necessarily visiting the same websites they frequented before COVID-19 swept the globe.

While established media brands and streaming websites saw significant increases in traffic, many other URLs took hits as people’s...

Understanding the importance of authenticity in corporate social activism

Over the past few years we’ve witnessed a striking shift in how brands communicate their identity, values and humanity. While companies traditionally avoid taking a public stance on social and political discourse, it seems that more and more brands are choosing to break this mould.

While some chalk up this change to progress, there are countless critics of corporate social activism that argue that brands’ motivations are neither altruistic nor pure. And certainly, when brands...

How marketing teams can look to replace ‘best practice’ with experimentation

The pace of change continues to accelerate, meaning marketers can no longer rely on best practice, previous results or assumptions. After all, 2019 will be anything but comparable to 2020...and 2021 will no doubt bring a new set of circumstances. This means experimentation and proposition development are more important than ever before. The question is no longer ‘should we change something?’ but ‘how big a change do we need to make?’

Whilst it’s prudent not to reinvent...

How to make the most of email marketing over the holidays – and best practices for 2021

With such an unpredictable year coming to a close, one thing is certain: this year’s festive season will pose an extremely unique set of challenges for marketers. Depending on where you are in the world retailers are certainly readying themselves for a busy few weeks; however, a large majority of shoppers are still expected to do their Christmas shopping online as opposed to in store, especially in areas that have been deemed as’ higher risk’.

This Christmas, more than ever...