Just 10% of thought leadership is produced by subject matter experts

A notepad, pen and mug next to a laptop.

The latest report from iResearch Services reveals that business development teams are leading the charge when it comes to developing thought leadership content (38%), overtaking their marketing counterparts (32%).

By contrast, the findings show that only 10% of thought leadership is produced by subject matter experts, 14% by a designated editorial department and 18% by an insights/research department.

The report, Leading Lights: harnessing thought leadership superpowers...

5 things to consider when taking a content-first approach to SEO

A notepad, pen and mug next to a laptop.

One of the biggest SEO mistakes companies make is within the SEO content strategy itself.

So much time and attention are paid to keywords, page titles, schemas, internal linking, and, of course, the all-important heading tags (think H1s, H2s, and so on) that the actual words on a page become almost an afterthought. This isn’t to say that the technical aspects of search engine optimisation are inconsequential — it’s more that content will always be the catalyst for a...