Demographic data is losing its value as consumers become more unpredictable

Global pressures have made consumers more uncertain and unpredictable, finds a new survey conducted by Twilio, the customer engagement platform.

As a result, 48% of marketers are now questioning the value of traditional customer segmentation through demographic data. Instead, they are placing renewed importance on real-time personalisation (71%), and seek more budget flexibility in where and what they’re investing in (65%).

The survey of 300 UK marketing decision...

Brand switching is rife amidst the cost of living crisis

Nearly two in three (65%) marketers have had their budgets cut in line with rising costs across the business they work for, while 69% believe brand switching is becoming more commonplace, according to new research from Ello Group.

The cost of living crisis has also resulted in consumers being forced to cut back, with the data confirming 40% have had to scale back their spending recently, due to their disposable income being reduced. Almost one in five (17%) have also switched...