Brightcove teams up with Pubmatic to fuel its ad monetisation service

A collection of Sterling notes.

Streaming technology company Brightcove has entered into a strategic agreement with PubMatic, an independent technology company delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future.

The partnership combines PubMatic’s programmatic advertising solutions with Brightcove’s innovative video platform to enhance and bolster demand for the recently launched Brightcove Ad Monetization, a service designed to help media companies better monetize their...

Brightcove launches ad monetisation service

A stack of coins.

Streaming technology company Brightcove has launched Brightcove Ad Monetization, a bespoke service designed for media companies to better monetise their content.

To supplement the service, the company also created a new global advertising operations team to support media organisations and help them maximise their advertising strategy and revenue.

Marc DeBevoise, CEO of Brightcove, said: “Advertising-supported streaming is a fast-growing, multi-billion-dollar business...